The story of my sports day pancakes

So Friday was a VERY fun day. Let me cover the small stuff first, then we’ll get to the bigger stuff. Dante showed up for his once in a blue moon appearance at sports day. Dragon won- congrats. Oh, and I also got my dog on that day. But the only really important thing (aside from my dog) was the pancakes that I had and the story behind it. So I arrived at sports day with R100 and finished my coke, ran long distance (beat Boipelo ) and bought an iced tea so I had 85 rand left (mathematics) and I wanted a pancake. Or more specifically 5 pancakes. But I was at long jump, I really wanted to do long jump because it is REALLY fun, so I offer the R50 plus R20 to get my pancakes (R50 for the pancakes R20 for there troubles) now 2 of my friends said no, but this random kid said he would do it (looking back I don’t know why)- but I gave him the money and he went to get me my pancakes. I thought it would be immediate, I thought he would come back with my pancakes but no, when I got out in long jump, I tracked down this kid and asked him “where’s my pancakes?!?” He said “relax dude we’re in the back of the line.”… AN HOUR PASSED I had to find this kid again. I found him pulled him aside and gave full access to pick up my PANCAKES to me. HALF AN HOUR LATER!?! I GOT MY PANCAKES. Oh and then my friend bought one from me for R50 😀